Knowing and Showing

Through people and divine circumstances God has gripped our hearts with his love and care.
He sent Jesus so that we may have life!

Jesus sent us out so others may also have eternal life through him.

There is more to Church!

Showing up for worship and joining Bibles studies is a great start, but that’s not the end goal.

We are dreaming about what God will do through a small group of people who don’t settle for anything less than what God wants to do in their lives and in their community.

Planted here for this time

Over 50 years ago God brought together people to start a work that would shine His love to Southwest Bakersfield. The community around the our church has changed, but not our mission.
Jesus is the savior, and He loves our neighbors. We hold to this in our teaching and in our mission.

Is God calling you to join him with us?

We are not a church to sit in, but a mission to be apart of.

We love worshipping and fellowshipping together. But we also love to have fun making a difference in our community. You can join us in blessing our neighbors in spirit-filled, fun and creative ways. In the coming years we are preparing and planning to bless our local schools, invest in our community, and show God’s love to our neighbors in practical ways.

Today, ask God to give you fresh eyes to see your neighbors. Every person is made for eternity and they needs God’s salvation through Jesus.